Archive Mode. Call 2024 All the Fixins: Artists from the South (Juried) ended on 5/10/24, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Five Circles Drawn by Five Climate Change Deniers: Donald Trump, James Inhofe, Christopher Monckton, Tom Coburn, & Jair Bolsonaro

Five Circles Drawn by Five Climate Change Deniers: Donald Trump, James Inhofe, Christopher Monckton, Tom Coburn, & Jair Bolsonaro, Other
Five Circles Drawn by Five Climate Change Deniers: Donald Trump, James Inhofe, Christopher Monckton, Tom Coburn, & Jair Bolsonaro
The five circles in this piece are digitized versions of those shapes as they are made by Donald Trump, James Inhofe, Christopher Monckton, Tom Coburn, & Jair Bolsonaro

Other    20 x 20    $300.00   

adhesive vinyl on wall